JJTC Consulting Ltd and its subsidiary International College of Disaster Management and Forensic Studies (ICDMFS) is a consortium and College of professionals offering a wide range of services that include forensic consulting in the aspect of criminal investigation, security, intelligence, and Disaster Management.  It partners with the International Academy of Forensics (IAF), and the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals Inc. (IICFIP-USA).


Forensic investigations involve intelligence and information gathering, crime scene investigation, analysis, interpretation of tests and results, and reporting and communication with members of law enforcement and the judicial system.

Good forensic science and medical examiner practices are of clear value from a security perspective, because of the roles in bringing criminals to justice and in dealing with the effects of natural and human-made mass disasters. Forensic science techniques (e.g., the evaluation of DNA fragments) enable more thorough investigations of crime scenes that have been damaged physically. Routine and trustworthy collection of digital evidence, and improved techniques and timeliness for its analysis, can be of great potential value in identifying terrorist activity. Therefore, the forensic science community has a role to play in national security.


The world of crime is a complex place. Crime takes place in the workplace, schools, homes, places of business, motor vehicles, on the streets, and, increasingly, on the Internet. Crimes are committed at all hours of the day and night and in all regions of the country, in rural, suburban, and urban environments. In many cases, a weapon is used, such as a handgun, knife, or blunt object. Sometimes the perpetrator is under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. In other cases, no one is physically hurt, but the property is damaged or stolen—for example, when burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft occur. In recent years, information technology has provided the opportunity for identity theft and other types of cybercrime. Forensics is the application of scientific and technological knowledge and methods to investigations of legal problems. Forensics means ‘fit for court use’. Forensics is an evidence-based profession and an applied Science. The practice deals with the study of physical evidence in a modern legal context.

Forensics is a multi-disciplinary and convergence field of practice where the practitioners seek relevance.

Terrorism, Insurgencies, and other forms of crimes are rampaging the African Continent without the requisite merge of the various interface of professionals to investigate and prevent these crimes especially in the aspect of Forensics.


A two (2) week intensive Basic and Advance level practical training in the application of Forensics in Security, Criminal Intelligence, and Disaster Management was organized to give the various groups of professionals the knowledge of the role of Forensics in criminal investigations and create awareness by a structured hands-on practical training in Crime Scene Investigation, Forensic Serology/DNA, Dactyloscopy/Fingerprint Science, Questioned Document Examination, Forensic Psychology, Cyber & Digital Forensic and Firearm and Ballistics.

There were over twenty  (20) participants comprising of National Assembly Officers, Ministry of Defense, Consultant Medical Experts, Lawyers, Academia, Psychiatrist, Accountants, Auditors, Security Services, and other Public and Private sector organizations.

The training comprised of both theoretical and practical sessions to help participants apply whatever they learned from the preliminary lecture.

The participants went through a pre-test and a post-test assessment structure to evaluate their level of understanding in both the lecture and practicals as well as a final assessment of all the courses.

Participants were also grouped into investigative teams to undergo structured simulated crime scene set-ups to collect various pieces of evidence for the diverse forensic Investigation test at the crime laboratory.

The evidence collected was biological (blood, urine, sweat, saliva, hair, etc.), documents, cartridges, digital gadgets, and fingerprints.

Subsequent days saw the lectures on the various evidence collected at the various simulated crime scenes. This was followed by the techniques used in Forensic Question Document, the basis of Fingerprint Science; its application and the collection, package, and subsequent examination of biological evidence such as DNA. Participants were introduced to the psychological basis of crime and the need not focus only on the crime committed, but to evaluate the motives of the person involved.

The training ended on Sunday, 26th September 2021 with a closing ceremony. Awards were given to the best team in Crime Scene Investigation, Questioned Documents, Serology/DNA, Forensic Psychology, Firearm and Ballistics, Cyber and Digital Forensic, and Fingerprints. The program was facilitated by seasoned experts in the field of Forensic Science and Strategic /Risk Financial experts.


JJTC CONSULT /ICDMFS in collaboration with IAF and IICFIP is geared to provide certification in various fields of Forensic Studies by liaising with both locally and Internationally accredited Forensic Institutions to offer the needed solution in Forensic Investigation in the administration of Justice. The consult has also put in place an Executive Advance practical training in Forensic application in Disaster Management.


Written by:

Dr. Stacy Nwodo (Mrs.)
Country Director, Nigeria-IICFIP

Email: stacyannnwodo@gmail.com


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International College of Disaster Management and Forensic Studies