D/C.Inspr. Frank Osae Otchere

D/C.Inspr. Frank Osae Otchere is a Detective Chief Inspector ( C/Insp.) with the Ghana Police Service Criminal Investigation Department (CID). He is a trained Criminal Investigation expert and has been part of the Ghana Police Service Criminal Investigation team in several National and inter-continental cases.
He has applied knowledge in both theoretical and practical forensic Investigation methods and has been an expert witness in criminal adjudications in the apex court of the nation.
His day-to-day activity in criminal investigations has offered him enormous experience over a decade. He holds a BSc. in Administration from University College of Management Studies, (UCOMS), Ghana, and a Masters of Philosophy in Forensic Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. (KNUST)
He has a Diploma in Crime Scene Investigation and an expert in Crime Scene investigation and reconstruction for over a decade. He has been involved in facilitating internship students at the Police Crime Laboratory, Ghana. He is a member of theĀ Anatomical Society of Ghana and Ghana Science Association.